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Registration of institution / establishment of new organization

If it is necessary to get the certificate from the concerned institution at the district level at the district level, it is necessary to get a certificate from the trustee organization / board / educational board / heating board or institute.
Documents to be submitted for institution registration
1. Association / Statement / Memorandum of Association
2. True copies of rules and regulations
3. Concurrent letter of all members of the executive body in relation to institutional registration

4. Signature officer of all the members

5. Affidavit of the organization's address and the president or secretary of the propertyRs 100 and court fee stamp of Rs. 5.

6. Schedule a rule 7, schedule two rule 8, schedule six rule 15.

7. Confirmation and warranty

8. A typical copy of the institution

9. First list of Executive

10. Owner's Naharkar Certificate for the location of the place.

11. All Members' ID card and address proof.

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